Picture this: you’re scrolling through Facebook, whiling the time away, when you come across a long post or a video that interests you. Facebook, being the social media giant that it is, is full of different kinds of content that is a good mix of informative, entertaining, and sometimes thought-provoking subject matter.
The thing is, sometimes, you just don’t have the time or energy to read or watch the entire video一maybe it’s too long and you have something else you need to do; maybe you are not in the right frame of mind; or else you are in a place or situation where noise is not allowed. In any case, you figure you can always save the post or video for later viewing.
When you do finally get to relax and watch that video, you cannot find it.
Does that sound familiar?
The problem with saving videos on Facebook is that your saved list is a bit harder to find than one would hope. The videos list changes location depending on what device you are using at the moment. Most people will have a computer or laptop, a smartphone (iPhone or Android), and perhaps a tablet or iPad.
P.S. Looking for a quick way to get more views on FB? Check out SocialAppsHQ’s Facebook video views service. You’ll get real and active Facebook users to check out your videos and this makes it easier for you to get viral.
How do I find saved videos from Facebook using my computer?
If you are using a computer, whether it is a PC or a Macbook, log in to the Facebook website.
- Turn your attention to the left-hand side of the screen and look for the heading “Explore.”
- Once you see it, click “See More” and then click on “Saved.” This will show you all of the items一posts and videos alike一you have saved.
- For videos, specifically, click on the drop-down menu button, which says “All”, and then click on “Videos.”

Take note: If you are using the new Facebook format, you will already find the “Saved” tab on the left side of the screen. Facebook will then redirect you to a page containing your saved items.
You may also check for your videos under the “My Collections” section, which is made up of categorized folders of saved posts and videos.
Pro Tip From SocialAppsHQ’s Team: If you come across any videos that get lots of engagement, make sure you save the video so you can refer to it later for ideas. It will help you to get ideas to make high-quality Facebook Videos.
How do I find saved videos from Facebook on my phone or mobile device?
If, on the other hand, if you wish to access your saved videos on Facebook through your phone, whether you are using an iPhone or an Android, first open the Facebook app. For Android users, there may be instances when downloading these videos directly to your device is necessary. To learn more about how to do this, save Facebook videos to Android for easy access even when offline.
- Located at the bottom of the screen for iPhones and at the top of the screen for Androids, find the three bars, or the “hamburger” menu icon, and tap on it.
- Find the “Saved” tab and tap that next. From this point on, you may tap on “See All” to scroll through your saved items.
- You can also choose to tap the dropdown menu button that reads “All” with the arrow pointing down, located at the top right corner of the screen. A menu will then appear in which you will see categories, including “Videos.”
- You may also browse through the albums under “My Collections.”

Related Post: Facebook Video Tips To Get More Views
FAQs About Saved Videos From Facebook
How can I download a video I saved on Facebook?
While there is no straightforward procedure to be able to download videos from Facebook, it is still possible. Particularly, third-party apps can help with this. Do note, however, that the social media site has been configured to keep content from Facebook on Facebook. Think carefully if you can simply save the video or post instead of downloading it permanently.
How do I save a video from Facebook Messenger?
Videos originally uploaded to Facebook cannot be downloaded when they are shared through Messenger. However, videos that were uploaded directly onto Messenger一those taken with your phone or uploaded from your computer一may be downloaded by another person on their computer or mobile device. This process is fairly simple and is largely the same for both iPhones and Androids.
- First, open the Facebook app on your mobile device to look for the contact who sent you the video.
- Once you have located it, press and hold on to the video while in preview mode.
- A pop-up menu option will appear, at which time you should press “Save”.
- Then you will find the video on your phone’s media gallery.
What happens when you share a video on Facebook?
When you share a video on Facebook, the audience who will be able to see it depends on the privacy setting on that particular post. If it is set to “Public,” anyone on Facebook will be able to see it. If it is set to “Friends,” only your Facebook contacts will be able to watch it.
There is also a “Friends of friends” setting, in which your contacts’ friends一who may not be your contact一can see it. There is also an “Only Me” setting, if your video is something that you do not want anybody else to watch. You may also do a “Custom” setting, in which you can exclude only a specific person or persons from seeing the video. “Lists” is a setting you can apply if you have created custom lists on Facebook. Examples of this include “Family members,” “School,” or the like.