Facebook Live videos are a powerful and effective way to connect with one’s audience or followers, especially if you are a content creator. Creators are normally vloggers, social media influencers, teachers, and even gamers. Live videos enable you to begin conversations, performances, forums, and similar online events.
Through live videos, audiences can interact with the creator in real-time. This tool is valuable to businesses and campaigns and is used often. Particularly in this pandemic era where distance or online learning is necessary, live videos are extremely important.
This live video-streaming feature is by no means the only one of its kind on the internet, but its advantage is that it caters to a much wider scope of people. While others, such as Twitch, focus more on specific groups of people, in this case, gamers.
P.S. Want to get viral on Facebook for your videos? It’s time to get more Facebook video views with this service. You’ll get more views from real users to get your Facebook videos viral!
How do I post live videos on Facebook?

- Log on to the Facebook website and go to the page, group, or profile wherein you want to launch your live video.
- Tap the “Live” button below the post composer, which is the space you can write a status update.
- You may add a description before going live.
- To end your live video, tap “Finish.”
From a computer, the process is similar, but when you click “Live Video,” you will be redirected to an interface that asks you what device you want to use to record your live video. You may also add a description to your live video.
Why is Facebook Live so popular?

Facebook Live videos allow audiences to interact and join in the conversation, ask questions on the spot, write comments, which the video creator can read immediately, react, or simply spectate. This tool is also effective in expanding one’s reach and exposure on the web.
In fact, it is for this exact reason that Facebook Live videos are so successful. It is interactive and engaging, due to features such as comments and the availability of a wide range of reactions. Viewers watch live videos for much longer than pre-recorded ones and there is a larger volume of comments on live videos. If you’re wondering how to store Facebook videos on Android, there are straightforward methods to save live videos to your device. This helps in revisiting your favorite moments or important information shared during the live session.
Creating Facebook Live videos can be done by anybody; it is available to all users. There is potential for a large audience due to the platform’s extensive user base. A strong selling point of Facebook Live is that it is cost-effective, but has great return potential. There is also a possibility of increased engagement, real-time interaction, sales boost, and the formation of relationships with an audience. Your online reach is also broadened and your online presence strengthened, as followers get notified of new content that you put out.
Facebook as a platform is easy to use, as evidenced by its over two billion users. One can live stream with basically any mobile device. If you want to start publish videos on FB, make sure you check out this post on how to create high-quality Facebook videos.
Are there any downsides to using Facebook Live?
Like any tech-based tool, there are some cons to using Facebook Live. Live videos are sometimes delayed before they reach viewers. Called latency, this delay depends on what gear you are using to shoot your live video, your internet bandwidth, and video quality, among other factors.
Facebook also has guidelines that creators must follow, particularly copyright and censorship policies. This applies to songs playing in your video’s background, for instance. If you violate any of these rules, your live video may be taken down.
FAQs on posting live videos on Facebook
Can you upload a video to Facebook Live?
Pre-recorded videos can be uploaded to Facebook Live for free, but the process is roundabout.
- For this, you will need to download and install Open Broadcaster Software (OBS).
- Once you have opened OBS, click on “Settings,” then “Stream,” and paste the “Stream key” in the corresponding field. Then click “OK.”
- Next, click on the “+” icon located at the bottom in the Sources field and choose “VLC Video Sources.”
- The next step is to create a playlist, which may contain one or more videos. Name the playlist and then click “OK.”
- Next, set how you want the video streamed. You may set it to stream even when the software is minimized.
- Click “OK” to add the video to your stream list. Mute “Mic/Aux” and click “Start Streaming.”
- Return to Facebook and click on “Go Live.”
Do live videos on Facebook expire?
Once your live video has ended, it will not disappear but will be posted to your timeline and get saved in your video library.
How can I find my old Facebook Live videos on mobile devices?
Open the Facebook app on your device and tap the hamburger menu icon to access the menu. Find “Videos on Watch” and tap the “Live” tab. Here, you will find ongoing live videos as well as live videos that have ended and have been saved.
Another option is to tap on the Watch section of Facebook, symbolized by the rectangle with the play (triangle) icon. Here, you will find all videos.